Wednesday, March 14, 2018

RIP- Stephen Hawking

The great physicist and mathematician Stephen Hawking passed away late last night. I wonder if it is appropriate to mention that today is widely celebrated as "Pi" day, March 14th being represented by 3.14. To me it is some sort of cosmic irony that one of science's greatest minds makes their celestial journey on or close to a day where the world celebrates the mathematical sign Pi.

 His contributions to science and our understanding of the universe are almost immeasurable, but what is measurable is his impact on those around him. He is survived by three children and three grandchildren. Rest in Peace, Sir.
Hawking and his first wife Jane on their wedding day. 

A rare and candid family photo.

Oddly enough Hawking didn't learn to read properly until age 8. This is, I believe, a school snap shot.

'It would not be much of a universe if it wasn't home to the people you love.'- Stephen Hawking.

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