Monday, February 5, 2018

Movie Review Monday: Stepford Wives (2004)

Hi there all! I know it has been a hot min. since I did a movie review but I finally have caught up enough that I can get this one under way. First off let me say that the 2004 version of Stepford Wives gives me life like no other movie can. It is a highly satirical and comedic take on the original horror/suspense film, which suits me just fine. I have seen the original and I like it but the pacing can be slow for my taste. Some of you are no doubt wondering why I am reviewing Stepford Wives, since it isn't an old film, nor is it set in a vintage era. It does, however, offer some great style based in pin up and reproduction clothing. Now lets get into it...and as always Spoiler Alert!

The matron of the town of Stepford is Claire. Pin curled hair, vintage set bodice with flower accents....

Faith Hill gets some fabulous outfits as one the of wives.

Every wife is always dressed: hats, gloves, jewelry....this is at a book club meeting.

Our main characters the Eberharts, Joanna who was a high powered successful TV executive and her husband Walter who worked for her.

More wives at the book club.

Joanna's final reveal at a ball held in her honor.

Joanna makes a few friends when she firsts arrives in Stepford. Bobbi is an angry, sloppy, fantastically good writer. She and her husband end up in Stepford to try and save their marriage. 

This is Bobbi's transformation after her "Stepford" makeover.

After Joanna was attacked at an awards show she is fired from her dream job and suffered a bit of break down. She is given electro-shock therapy and Walter decides she needs a new life. 

Another of Bobbi's new outfits to go along with her clean house!

The wives at a pick-nic and hoe down.

Photo still for promotional use.

At first Joanna resists any change to her lifestyle and attitude...
...but after a fight with her husband she tries to live the Stepford Life.

A last shot of the wives as they get ready to "exercise"

The Stepford Wives is in my opinion a great satire of the classic "American dream", but it just shows that the only perfect people aren't people at all. They are robots! Some people find the metaphor here a bit heavy handed but to me that is part of the fun. It isn't subtle, but it is played for laughs. 

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