Monday, August 28, 2017

Movie Review Monday: Netflix's The Crown

Netflix has started making some seriously great television in the last two years but by far one of the best shows to come from them is The Crown. A chronicle of the young Queen Elizabeth II, played by Claire Foy, this series brings us tons of  40's and 50's clothing. I will say I was quite pleasantly surprised by both John Lithgow's performance as Winston Churchill and by Matt Smith (of Dr. Who fame) as Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh. I am immensely curious about the amount of "drama" added to the stories, and the amount of control Buckingham Palace has over the content of their current tenants.

Heading into its second season in a matter of months I can tell you that US President JFK will be played by Michael C. Hall (Dexter). 

Onto some stills!

Claire Foy on the left with the real Elizabeth II on the right. 

Vanessa Kirby as Princess Margaret. The sometimes flamboyant and outgoing younger sister of the Queen, I can not wait to see her more swinging styles from the 60's.

Matt Smith smiling for the camera on the left, the real Prince Phillip on the right.

The real big eye catcher in this season was the coronation gown that had to be recreated.
"Although we did not create the coronation dress itself—it had been recently made for an exhibition (by Swarofski) and we were delighted when it actually fitted Claire Foy—we did create all the other many garments worn by Elizabeth and everyone else throughout the coronation."  said Clapton.

A rather stiff looking promotional picture that foreshadows the couples marriage.

The costume designer is quoted as saying,  "It took approximately six to eight weeks for us to re-create the dress, with a team of six embroiderers working on the train throughout this time. Another team worked on the dress skirts, and my key embroiderer worked on the neckline. We had a cutter and two makers, and it required a number of fittings...It’s sometimes strange as a designer when you have to replicate a dress. You must sometimes make choices that you would not necessarily make yourself when it comes to cut."  Michele Clapton

Famously, Elizabeth had to save up ration coupons to pay for her wedding dress. Brides all across the UK sent her coupons which she was forced to return.

Princess Margaret and Group Capt. Peter Townsend. both in tweed, which is par the the course, they are often shown riding off into the country to meet up.

John Lithgow as the indomitable Winston Churchill. 

Another promotional shot.

The second season of Netflix's The Crown is set to premier in December, 2017. You can check out the teaser trailer for it here:

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